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Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

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by Pam Spaulding

Jesus H. Christ, I think I’m going to be sick. Look at what Randall Terry said at today’s press conference. (Right Wing Watch):


Terry: The point that must be emphasized over, and over, and over again: pro-life leaders and the pro-life movement are not responsible for George Tiller’s death. George Tiller was a mass-murder and, horrifically, he reaped what he sowed.

Q: So who is responsible ...

Terry: The man who shot him is responsible ...

Q:  ... because that makes it sound like you were saying that he [Tiller] is responsible.

Terry:  The man who shot him is responsible.

Q: What did you mean by “he reaped what he sowed”?

Terry: He was a mass-murder.  He sowed death. And then he reaped death in a horrifying way.

And Kyle at RWW said the presser ended with this outlandish statement:

The event came to an utterly bizarre ending when Terry said that Tiller’s murder “can be a teaching moment for what child-killing is really all about” ... and then seemed to ask those in attendance if they’d be willing to buy him lunch - he likes Guinness and chicken wings.

People, this is frightening. The eliminationists and womb-controlling domestic terrorism advocates believe a doctor who ran a medical practice performing legal services got what he deserved.  This is sick - between this guy and O’Reilly, the Tiller family is suffering all over again. This won’t be the end of this kind of violence, I’m afraid. This man is fanning the flames of the crazies—we have to fear domestic terrorism more than anything coming from abroad.

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: Newspaper]

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: News Weekly]

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: News Argus]

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: Cbs News]

Randall Terry presser: ??Tiller reaped what he sowed?"

[Source: News Headlines]

posted by tgazw @ 6:01 PM, ,

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

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My full post out of the first day of the America's Future Now! conference in DC is below. But I wanted to highlight Howard Dean's strong push for a public option, which I wrapped into the story:

During a lunchtime press conference, Howard Dean, recent past chair of the DNC and a doctor, said that it's more important to have a public plan than a bipartisan plan. "Bipartisan," he said, "is not an end in and of itself."

He said that Republicans haven't helped Obama with the stimulus package nor do they seem poised to offer an assist with approving his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the nation's highest court.

"If they're in there to shill for the insurance companies, I think we should do it with 51 votes," Dean said, suggesting that it be accomplished via budget reconciliation.

Dean added: "The American people voted for real change. They knew exactly what he was proposing when he was on the campaign trail."


Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: Weather News]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: News 4]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: Nbc News]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: Chocolate News]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: The Daily News]

Dean: Bypass Bipartisanship On Health Care

[Source: News Leader]

posted by tgazw @ 4:42 PM, ,

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

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by Mark Silva

President Barack Obama will face a tough audience when he delivers his long-promised address to the Muslim world on Thursday from Cairo University.

In some of the Arab nations and territory in the region, most notably his host country of Egypt, public views about the "job performance of the leadership of the United States'' have improved remarkably from one president to the next - from the view that Arabs held of former President George W. Bush's leadership last summer, to the views they voiced of Obama's leadership in March.

Yet even in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the two nations where Obama will begin his journey this week, a positive view of U.S. leadership is still shared by about one in four of those surveyed: Up from 12 percent last summer to 29 percent in Saudi Arabia, according to survey results released today by the Gallup Poll on the eve of the president's trip, and up from just 6 percent to 25 percent in Egypt.

"These upsurges, which ranged from 11 percentage points in Syria to 23 points in Tunisia, may reflect positive reception to Obama and his administration's public outreach to the Muslim world,'' Gallup reports today. "Obama will deliver his message Thursday with an arguably stronger basis of support than his predecessor ever had in many Arab countries. Nonetheless, approval remains low and underscores the work that remains as Obama seeks to pave a new, more positive way forward.''

In nearly all of the 11 nations and territories where the public was surveyed, public opinion of the U.S. leadership has improved from last year - up 23 percent in Tunisia, from 14 to 37, up 22 points in Algergia from 25 to 47, up 14 points in Qatar, from 8 to 22 percent, up 13 in Kuwait, from 20 ro 33, up 11 in Syria, from 4 to 15 percentage point approval.

In two palaces, however, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, the view of U.S. leadership is no brighter today than it was last summer: 22 percent approval registered in Lebanon, down from 25 points last summer, 7 percent in the Palestinian territories, down from 13 points in June.

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Abc 7 News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Nbc News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: Online News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: World News]

Obama's Arab audience: Tough, gaining

[Source: China News]

posted by tgazw @ 3:39 PM, ,

What Kind of Book Will Bob Woodward Write About Obama?

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What Kind of Book Will Bob Woodward Write About Obama?

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

What Kind of Book Will Bob Woodward Write About Obama?

[Source: News Weekly]

What Kind of Book Will Bob Woodward Write About Obama?

[Source: Cbs News]

What Kind of Book Will Bob Woodward Write About Obama?

[Source: The Daily News]

posted by tgazw @ 2:46 PM, ,

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

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As President Obama visits the Middle East, Michael Tomasky tests his knowledge of the region

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

[Source: Duluth News]

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

[Source: Mma News]

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

[Source: Advertising News]

Tomasky talk video: Michael Tomasky tests his geographical knowledge of the Middle East

[Source: Television News]

posted by tgazw @ 1:21 PM, ,

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

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There are plenty of instances of misleading and otherwise bad stats being used by anti-piracy groups, like the recent BSA numbers from Canada that were basically made up. Now, a group from the UK is saying that piracy costs that country's economy tens of billions of pounds. It makes the same mistake as plenty of other studies before it: counting every instance of piracy, or perhaps even just the availability of copyrighted material on file-sharing networks, as a lost sale. It's fallacious to assume that every single person that downloads a piece of content, or simply has access to it for free, would pay for it if the free version wasn't available. Furthermore, any study like this that says an entire economy is being harmed by X amount of money because of piracy is pretty much bogus. This money that's supposedly being lost because of piracy isn't being lost by the economy, as undoubtedly it's being spent elsewhere. It's not being flushed down the toilet or turned into ether, it's just not ending up in content companies' bank accounts.

Carlo Longino is an expert at the Insight Community. To get insight and analysis from Carlo Longino and other experts on challenges your company faces, click here.

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Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: World News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Circulation News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Online News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: News Article]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: World News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: 11 Alive News]

Now It's The UK's Turn For Some Bogus Piracy Stats

[Source: Channel 6 News]

posted by tgazw @ 1:19 PM, ,


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